Fruits and Vegetables, Healthy food backgrounds


The Importance of Food


Beginning the day with healthy food is essential for a quality, healthy life. Breakfast gets its name because it refers to breaking the overnight fast, and it is crucially important. After sleep, your body awakens and needs energy to start working.Skipping breakfast will make your body think it must conserve energy, in the fear that it may not be fed soon. Eat generally around the same time, as this will program your body to adjust itself to receiving food at that time each day and will be better prepared to receive it.

The best thing you can do is start your day with a glass of room-temperature water with real lemon squeezed in. If you take systemic enzymes, this is the perfect opportunity to take them.

Next, perform whatever your morning routine consists of. Perhaps this involves meditation, visualizations,energy balancing, reviewing your gratitude list,goals, intentions, or saying a prayer. Meditating early in the morning is a great habit and will help you have a better day overall. It will shield your mind from the onslaught of potential negativity later during the day. Regular meditation will help you stay calm and composed, even when having a really bad day.

After your morning routine, enjoy a hearty breakfast; ideally, this should be eaten within the first hour of waking up. Never leave your body starving until noon.When it comes to breakfast, keep in mind that you have to feed your body and mind. Give yourself all the nutrients you need for a fresh start. Eat plenty of eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, or enjoy some homemade guacamole, fresh berries, or even cheese or a piece of turkey if you are not allergic. Eggs are the best source of protein, a great source of energy and perfect for breakfast. Vegetables will provide the fiber needed for proper digestion.

Avoid oatmeal or cereal, as those you buy in the market will only be packed with sugar,have very low nutritive value, and contain chemicals that will lead to mental underperformance and addiction. Cereals often contain dried fruits, which rapidly increase the blood insulin level. For breakfast, you need slow-release energy that will last until lunch. Over-sweetened, “chemicalized”oatmeal will only lead to health problems without providing the energy you need.

Homemade unsweetened tea with lemon juice is a great addition to breakfast.You may also have a fermented drink,like homemade kefir, in which you can put ground flax or chia seeds, pollen, plankton, or green powder. Thicker liquids like homemade kefir are excellent for taking your morning supplements. Even a small espresso is fine.

Notice that most of the above breakfast suggestions are homemade or natural foods, not over-processed, industrialized foods that were probably manufactured ten months ago and have been sitting on a shelf ever since.

For lunch, enjoy an avocado with lemon and tomatoes. If you are not a vegetarian, opt for turkey, chicken breast, or fish. Avoid heavy and most usual combinations of carbs and proteins, such as fried potatoes with red meat; it is ideal to avoid all meat. Carbs slow digestion and do not make good partners with meat. Instead of potatoes, eat cabbage, string beans, or broccoli, as these are healthy and packed with fiber.

There is a whole science dedicated to the art of combining foods, because some go well together, while others block each other or interact badly, causing gas, digestion problems,and constipation. You can find food combination tables on the internet; print these out and place them on your refrigerator as a reminder. If you combine foods correctly, you will feel lighter and will need less time to come back to your senses after lunch. The secret is to combine as few foods types as you can, and eat only one or two different food types at each meal. The more you mix up, the greater the chance they will interact with each other negatively, leaving you feeling bloated and tired.

Some suggest that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. This is wise advice! Breakfast should be plenty abundant, (but not exaggerated) because it is eaten at the beginning of the day. It gives you a chance to refill your reserves, and you will have a whole day to process and spend the energy you gain from the food. Lunch should be medium in size. Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day, since it is eaten only a few hours before bed, and you need minimum energy for sleep.

For your evening meals, eat something small early in the evening, no later than 6 pm. Avoid carbs as much as possible; if eaten at all, these should be eaten early in the day, because if they are eaten late, they will only be stored as fat.

Snacks are not good for us,especially late-night snacks and ice cream. These all count as carbs, and they have little to no nutritional value. They are really just empty calories that offer you no nutrients, and they can lead to weight and health problems. If you crave snacks, it means you have eaten too many refined carbs, and your blood sugar is now crashing. The more carbs you eat, the more will crave them. Have more natural fats and proteins next time.


  • Start your day with lemon water.
  • Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up.
  • Breakfast should be packed with proteins and good fats, and an excellent choice is eggs.
  • Avoid oatmeal and cereal.
  • Always have light meal in evening, and never eat carbs for dinner.
  • Don’t eat snacks.